Well we all know what slimy rock Sasha K. Iman N4n224CCW was slithered under! N4n is his alias short for; no good for nothing. Well we all know what he is known for' yes for destroying Oak Island's image with his psychiatric melt downs. He went off the deep end in search of fame and manage to drag down Oak Island websites that he tarnished the hell out of, by instigating a horrific Internet mudslinging fiasco that had everyone in dismay with emotional anger.
Oakislandtreasure.co.uk took a beating because of N4n's delusional mental breakdown. So I see he retreated to a hideous forum of his own after corrupting the Oak Island community. We will never no why N4n decided to go through Oak Island like the columbine massacre over his weired beliefs on his take on oak island that is what flung N4n off the deep end again. I Guess nobody in the real world wouldn't buy his bizarre ramblings that appeared to contradict all Oak Island information with a wacky spin that was conjured up in his own delusional manifestations. I just wondered what burning bush gave him information that defies known Oak Island information. The more I hear N4n's outlandish ramblings the more I get entertained he is a amusing odd fella' lost in fairy tale dispute very negatively with crap he reinvented with bogus documents, and his word. Maybe he should try to blackmail the Mormons they are into keeping there history under raps the con will give Oak Island a rest.
It puzzles me and it's not just me but this N4n goes off into infinity right after his denial statements, so what he wants is people to just take his word on his newly un-authenticating Oak Island fabricated information as to be genuine. N4n224CCW is very misleading to be honest I think he does it on purpose as apart of a bizarre scheme for him to acquire attention. And who to hatch his meticulous scheme on is people; that have a rising Oak Island reputation or prominent Oak Island webmasters that hecan manipulate. I really don't think this Sasha K. Iman or N4n224CCW is a well person' he is a very troubled and needs some psychiatric help he should close the lid on his site after he enters and stay there for everyones sakes. Because his ploy is to recruite negative people as himself he wants Oak Island to disolved he has no good intentions towards the oak island community, n4n openly bragged about obtaining traffic through emails then he secretly did con people to his new bogus site durring his estrange negative campagning on the net at the expense of sullying Oak Island & peoples reputations, this is why he left his previous forum he messed up, this is why n4n made a negative campagne to stalk with jealousy it wasn't for good intentions it was a big con he executed(George Bush Tatic), N4n is a devious sophisticated scheme artist on while all this N4n havoc was going on N4n was secretly opening a private chatline I guess N4n scamed oak island at the expense of oak islands damaged reputation he caused.
Sasha K.Iman N4n224CCW this is the site that he scamed the Oak Island people to obtain, oakislandtheories.com/. Damn This Guy N4n Is The Next David Caresh and Jim Jones he's Just "Bugged" Out. A Oak Island heavens gate in the makings, he'll have everyone in his nut club secretly drinking laced Kool-aid in no time.
Sasha K.Iman N4n224CCW this is the site that he scamed the Oak Island people to obtain, oakislandtheories.com/. Damn This Guy N4n Is The Next David Caresh and Jim Jones he's Just "Bugged" Out. A Oak Island heavens gate in the makings, he'll have everyone in his nut club secretly drinking laced Kool-aid in no time.