Just when oak island was getting civil www.thunting.com falls out of the idiot tree christian neumann is on a racial rant of his life. using his wacky bogus treasure hunting website as tool to get into the oak island community through bizarre antics. Mr christian. neumann's scheme is to slander his way into a treasure mystery he could not succeed in getting involved into oak island without him manipulating his way into so schematically? so he personally attacks his way in unwelcome.
Nobody really knows anything about www.thunting.com other than they hack computers & into websites and has emotional problems and of course with them I mean www.thunting.com's crazy obsession with first nations keith ranville of the oak island treasure mystery.
People must remember people have a obsession with oak island to the point of emotional problems and the website www.thunting.com as they seem to have every ranting reasons to obsessed there selves with Mr. Ranville like I said many times, many of these none and oak island forums are poorly monitored or are poorly maintained with incompetence and bad leadership christian neumann is a perfect example of incompetence christian neumann used his www.thunting.com websites investors monies to do illegal activities, slander on the internet and to computer hack and so forth its a bogus website to anyone's standards the website www.thunting.com should be closed down just on the principled of incompetency.
God Bless