Treasure News: “I had a dream when all men would be equal”, apparently that does not resonate with certain McCarthyism paranoid groups in the Oak Island mystery community. Racism is known by many First Nations people and Black people in Nova Scotia, one area in Halifax it's self is a minority of Black and Native people. And this is the poorest part of town, unlike other neighborhoods that is populated with mainly white People.

Europeans hate madness towards Gods children
The native first People of Nova Scotia instill have resentment towards the Europeans for there past demeaning treatment to them. The First Nations People distance themselves as much as possible from this Oak Island mystery in the Mahone bay Community because of there unsavory hateful past towards them and to outsiders. It appears that the Oak Island mystery has a secret underworld that does not sit well with the good people in Nova Scotia, my friends' Oak Island and it's mystery has a sinister secret society that disturbs many First Nations and Black people in Nova Scotia.
This secret evil society thinks they are superior to all races along with there ties that are many in the Oak Island Community. You can tell who they are starting with the Oak Island tourism society, oakislandtreasure.co.uk madness mania machine. They have a racy background they put out a underground message if you are not with them then you are not part of the Oak Island mystery. Many Oak Island websites fear this threat you can tell who they are they exclude outsiders and there oak island treasure information this was the most interesting thing of the day while I was seeking out these bias websites.
When I see people like (closet) Racist Sasha K. Iman/ Danny Hennigar and the group that they represents, the way they mustard hate on the Internet towards other Oak Island researchers, My friends' this Mr. Hennigar/Iman and this racy crew that has being going to other websites establishments and purposely destroyed there place on the search engine this has to stop, this hatred is motivated by racism. Consensus says the Oak Island mystery is mostly white people, this leaves no place for other races and this is how they want it to stay.
Oakislandtreasure.co.uk Trolls
My friends' you can tell who are the racy Oak Island tourism society's retarded troll's are, they are the ones that search out other Oak Island researcher's of different color (aspiring treasure hunters)and trash them publicly an character assassination as a secret initiation into the Oak Island tourism society and oakislandtreasure.co.uk. I have seen many mystery communities and nothing takes the cake like the politically inconvenient Oak Island treasure mystery.
I am glad independent oak island personal sites/commercial sites are kinda taking the lead of the Oak Island search engine it is a real good change from these neurotic Oak Island websites that think they're superior by race, this My friends' I think is ignorant in this day in age. To see white savages running around the Oak Island search engines like trolls thinking that they are the superior beings of choice. The truth of the fact is they know nothing about solving Oak Island and it's mystery. The first people of Nova Scotia refer to them and many do agree, that they are dumb white people that are ignored on daily bases. It's Martin Luther King, jr Week-end in the States and a important day about a man that had a dream of unity of race. That the Oak Island mystery could learn from and smarten up and stop being racist (rude) towards other people of color and culture.

Templar's targeted by jealous powerful European societies namely the King of France and the Pope
I believe God will release the final secrets to Oak Island when this seductive dark energy of hate is gone from these devious groupy societies that are drunk on ergot and arrogance, never the less a messenger was sent to Oak Island with vital clues to solving the Oak Island mystery' like stories in the bible the messagenger was intercepted by the devil's advocates this may delay the Oak Island decryption but in prophecied it's to be decoded by a enbodied spirit native to the land. But this story will be remembered for the wise, thus more people have more interest in this Oak Island enigma than what one would believe the surface of the mystery has been scratched. But there is fear of what lies behind this treasure mystery that may shock many of it's obscure true nature.
Troll Investigation Update

Fights Oak Island Racism
Read more about some Oak Island's evil doing's

Europeans hate madness towards Gods children
The native first People of Nova Scotia instill have resentment towards the Europeans for there past demeaning treatment to them. The First Nations People distance themselves as much as possible from this Oak Island mystery in the Mahone bay Community because of there unsavory hateful past towards them and to outsiders. It appears that the Oak Island mystery has a secret underworld that does not sit well with the good people in Nova Scotia, my friends' Oak Island and it's mystery has a sinister secret society that disturbs many First Nations and Black people in Nova Scotia.
This secret evil society thinks they are superior to all races along with there ties that are many in the Oak Island Community. You can tell who they are starting with the Oak Island tourism society, oakislandtreasure.co.uk madness mania machine. They have a racy background they put out a underground message if you are not with them then you are not part of the Oak Island mystery. Many Oak Island websites fear this threat you can tell who they are they exclude outsiders and there oak island treasure information this was the most interesting thing of the day while I was seeking out these bias websites.
When I see people like (closet) Racist Sasha K. Iman/ Danny Hennigar and the group that they represents, the way they mustard hate on the Internet towards other Oak Island researchers, My friends' this Mr. Hennigar/Iman and this racy crew that has being going to other websites establishments and purposely destroyed there place on the search engine this has to stop, this hatred is motivated by racism. Consensus says the Oak Island mystery is mostly white people, this leaves no place for other races and this is how they want it to stay.
Oakislandtreasure.co.uk Trolls
My friends' you can tell who are the racy Oak Island tourism society's retarded troll's are, they are the ones that search out other Oak Island researcher's of different color (aspiring treasure hunters)and trash them publicly an character assassination as a secret initiation into the Oak Island tourism society and oakislandtreasure.co.uk. I have seen many mystery communities and nothing takes the cake like the politically inconvenient Oak Island treasure mystery.
I am glad independent oak island personal sites/commercial sites are kinda taking the lead of the Oak Island search engine it is a real good change from these neurotic Oak Island websites that think they're superior by race, this My friends' I think is ignorant in this day in age. To see white savages running around the Oak Island search engines like trolls thinking that they are the superior beings of choice. The truth of the fact is they know nothing about solving Oak Island and it's mystery. The first people of Nova Scotia refer to them and many do agree, that they are dumb white people that are ignored on daily bases. It's Martin Luther King, jr Week-end in the States and a important day about a man that had a dream of unity of race. That the Oak Island mystery could learn from and smarten up and stop being racist (rude) towards other people of color and culture.

Templar's targeted by jealous powerful European societies namely the King of France and the Pope
I believe God will release the final secrets to Oak Island when this seductive dark energy of hate is gone from these devious groupy societies that are drunk on ergot and arrogance, never the less a messenger was sent to Oak Island with vital clues to solving the Oak Island mystery' like stories in the bible the messagenger was intercepted by the devil's advocates this may delay the Oak Island decryption but in prophecied it's to be decoded by a enbodied spirit native to the land. But this story will be remembered for the wise, thus more people have more interest in this Oak Island enigma than what one would believe the surface of the mystery has been scratched. But there is fear of what lies behind this treasure mystery that may shock many of it's obscure true nature.
Troll Investigation Update

Fights Oak Island Racism
Read more about some Oak Island's evil doing's