Early History of Oak Island is 200 years of crackpots conjuring facts, Oak Island Theories.moron offers this totally untrue history to the average idiot, by giving bogus unfounded documents; the n4n Sasha K. Iman hoax syndrome. The news is the problem with these new Oak Island websites they are spin offs from the www.oakislandtreasure.co.uk quirky site, and to tell everyone the truth the new Oak Island website owners are estrange characters that couldn't cut it on a Oak Island forum thread? If nobody cared to hear there corny written rhetoric' then, why would the Internet buy there jiber jaber now?
This is why I put into question, these offspring amature oakislandtreasure.co.uk silly websites like www.oakislandcoffeehouse.com Oak Island CRACK HOUSE would be a paranoid delusional name suitable for the racy site. The idiot that runs that outfit is known for being some control freak while he was bumming around OakIslandtreasure.co.uk and not to mention he's known for doing brown nosing gardening for someone on Oak Island, that sure doesn't hardly makes anyone a expert on Oak Island let alone to make a Oak Island website.
The last website on the list but not the last one I would imagine, is the www.oakislandtreasure.net spazzed out idiots drunk on a revenging jealousy spree. These sites mentioned have a paranoid disclaimer that they accept no responsibility for breaking in your computer. This breaking into computers originated at the oakislandtreasure.co.uk this is how far the paranoia goes with these Oak Island creeps. This anonymous freaky personalilty asault game has been going on for sometime, with Oak Island idiots one uping each other with revenge on top of revenge over the years. To a new Oak Island visitor' like I was told? They tell me what the ill are they taking about? They sound obsessed, yes they do' I said.
I would hardly call this a crusade, it's more like a quacky inquest into some very squirly arrogant Oak Island idiots. This craziness must be pretty entertaining with amusement, to anyone that is not involved with these Oak Island bizarre Klondike clowns that are, wink' wink' “Keeping it grounded in reality”.
These new websites have a negative background radiating from the Oak Island tourism society, deviously they began this Oak Island greed teaching to meticulously conspire to sabotage someone that's doing well' this is bad leadership at it's worst. This is the true Early history of Oak Island thats being going on for the past 200 hundred years.
"My idiot battle stick is taking a laughing beating from these Oak Island jokers"

God Bless