Treasure News:
We made a friendly native posting this weekend at www.oakislandcoffeehouse.com/ they racialy discriminated against a First Nations native posting, I would not recommend that site if you are a person of color. But the good news there are good Oak Island websites out there we visited that don't share this racial hate manifestation that these three discriminative www.oakislandcoffeehouse.com/ , oakislandtreasure.co.uk , oak island tourism society have, you can feel the the racial tension from the people in these sites. One none white investigator under a assume name (Atlantis) reported a racial environment from the first posting at the oakislandcoffeehouse.com D'Arcy O'Connor made the first racial slur implicating get out.
Events continued to unravel with these friendly native postings, but the bottom line the posts were taken down by the hate mongerers at the oakislandcoffeehouse.com they actually followed us to a other website lead by D'arcy O'connor on this First Nations witch hunt D'Arcy pointed a supposely Native man to themselves out' and sent one of his troll bulldogs at him. The troll made a gesture to the website moderator either this person goes or I go? ultimatum, but the nutty thing about it is the troll just joined the website. You see these idiots are very stupid when it comes to being intelligent and D'Arcy O'Connor should of added himself to his list in his Oak island books quote "Dreamer Schemers and wacko's actually I chucked D'Arcy O.Connors book in the dumpster where it belongs. The book's malarkie may cause invironmental damage so it would be best to burn it.
Although the website moderator didn't listen to D'Arcy Bunkers (Arse) childish advances and the morons that tried to persuade the website moderator to take down these First Nations postings or the website wont be apart of them meaning the three racy oak island websites. I admire that a website that wouldn't put up with these morons racial shenanigans. There are good people in the Oak Island community that don't share these racial radicals views either these three websites the Crusader mentioned are plain racist or they need a lot of house cleaning to do. The Crusader has been watching these Oak Island groups over the years, like Brubaker and they are like crooks monitoring the thieves.
I think Oak Island needs a policing policy to stomp out these discriminative groups that care about who is what color in this cloak and dagger weeding out rather than discussions about Oak Island research. Small mental minds in a small community in a large ocean of nations. Folks, I am not trying to make bad men good' I am trying to make good men better. continue
Screwed up devious reckless
Found to be racist
Insane idiots of trolls
AntiChrist, crazy of all Oak Island sites
Oak Island Island tourism society
Websites that are linked to these sites I would be very cautious of being apart of them, the websites above are very aggressive; deviously they made a dummy racy website www.oakislandtreasure.net to vent there insane anger issues. People are very disappointed with these websites and how they conduct themselves. There anger is repressed hate they held in over the years, my truth stokes there unholy behaviors. And this my readers, will show God what is going on, in this Oak Island community. With these angry souls that are seduced by a dark evil force, will show God these are beings to be sought after with his most powerful will.
With hate they choose to attack the Crusader and people of color , like in the Bible they will loose this is why they never mention religion. Because they know they are in the wrong in the eyes of the Lord, in the Bible the story of Jesus he was crucified in choice of a murderer to be set free, like in senario of Lord Jesus these Oak Island thugs run free on the oak island websites like murderous assassinators of peoples good spirits. My readers, I seek your involvement for your intervention to help God and his child of goodness that speaks the truth in so many ways about these Oak Island Antichrist groups that have evil in there hearts.
This Oak Island treasure mystery has turned into a mockery by a few un godly groups of people. The Oak Island tourism society is the core to this hateful racism, not to mention the oakislandtreasure.co.uk I am glad people from around the world are hearing my call for attention for this travesty of mean unholy communities that are in Gods good community.
I will pray and ask God for his help, and we will see if my prayer for his assisstance will be heard

Fights Oak Island Racism