Thursday, October 29, 2009
Christian neumann a bizarre man tied up in his own crookedness is in love with scandal this is to only promote his own shady website queerly, it is of no wonder they sell hard on-Bonner pills on because they are a bunch of no minded ranting stupid pricks!
Norton's antivirus 360 most likely think they are hackers because that is what they are, nobody should visit christian neumann's website without checking out with the better business bureau, even then beware.
Best Information,
Monday, August 17, 2009
Just when oak island was getting civil falls out of the idiot tree christian neumann is on a racial rant of his life. using his wacky bogus treasure hunting website as tool to get into the oak island community through bizarre antics. Mr christian. neumann's scheme is to slander his way into a treasure mystery he could not succeed in getting involved into oak island without him manipulating his way into so schematically? so he personally attacks his way in unwelcome.
Nobody really knows anything about other than they hack computers & into websites and has emotional problems and of course with them I mean's crazy obsession with first nations keith ranville of the oak island treasure mystery.
People must remember people have a obsession with oak island to the point of emotional problems and the website as they seem to have every ranting reasons to obsessed there selves with Mr. Ranville like I said many times, many of these none and oak island forums are poorly monitored or are poorly maintained with incompetence and bad leadership christian neumann is a perfect example of incompetence christian neumann used his websites investors monies to do illegal activities, slander on the internet and to computer hack and so forth its a bogus website to anyone's standards the website should be closed down just on the principled of incompetency.
God Bless
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Gospel Truth
The ugly serpent shows its face only in jealous rages and demeanor's in hopes success don't unfold before the native breed of wisdom. The capitalist crowd that admits politics and introduces it to oak island treasure hunting as a following scheme is as foolishly profane as anyone that follows him.
Take it from the top Jesus"
Some people call me the last crusader, yeah
Some call me the highwayman of love
Some people call me marauder
Cause I speak of the pompitous of love
People talk about me treasure, baby
Say Im doin oak island wrong, doin this treasure hunt wrong
Well, don't you worry cry babies
Don't worry
Cause the crusader is right here, right here, right here, right here at home
Im a ball kicker
Im a lover
And Im a sinclair
I play my music in the sun
Im a ball kicker
Im a lover
And Im a sinclair
I play my music in the sun
Im a ball kicker
Im a lover
And Im a sinclair
I play my music in the sun
Im a ball kicker
Im a lover
And Im a sinclair
I play my music in the sun
booo hooooo woo
Youre the cutest thing
That I ever did see
I really love your preaches
Want to shake your out of you monkey tree
Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time
Ooo-eeew baby, Ill sure show you how to walk upright in good time
Im a ball kicker
Im a lover
And Im a sinclai
I play my music in the sun
Im a ball kicker
Im a lover
And Im a sinclair
I play my music in the sun
Im a ball kicker
Im a lover
And Im a sinclair
I play my music in the sun
Im a ball kicker
Im a lover
And Im a sinclair
I play my music in the sun
booo hoooo hoo
People keep talking about me baby
They say Im doin oak island wrong
Well dont you worry, dont worry, no dont worry mama boys
Cause Im right here at home
the oak island idiots that I ever did see I ever did see
Really love them bogus preaches want to shake your money pit tree
Lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey, lovey-dovey all the time
Come on show me your money so I can pay for my website and Ill show you a real good time
Your loving Hero,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 oak island
It's apparent this website is bias and is in racy form is no doubt connected to biggots the morons, just where does oak island have normal ways? We are left to believe they are corrupt with ignorance, oak island has been like this ever since new brilliant theories arised from vancouver b.c canada in the mid 2000's.
Treasure hunting is about propaganda in this oak island treasure mystery, devious hate runs rampet throughout this treasure mystery like soggy dirty under pants.
God Bless Your heart
The Beloved
Monday, July 20, 2009
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So if it isn't the oak island freak of many names wacko paul wroclawshi of on another internet insane rant! "IC" just when is his personal attack blog was losing interest by people that are laughing up a storm about the crazy paul wroclawshi the oak island obsessed delusional freak hahaha.. His obsession over mr. ranville is very comical and entertaining to bad he sucked everyone down with him by making these internet terrorist attacks and his co conspire's / oak island tourism society they must be very proud of crazy paul wroclawshi's sully-ness that he is fraudulently using multi-names to destroy oak island.
Crazy internet paul wroclawshi first got his strange obsessed start on the internet through bizarre one jo atherton and diddle me once danny hennigar. Jo atherton actually supported crazy paul wroclawshi's internet terrorist attack blog on her site at one time in there ploy to stock on mr. keith ranville oh' there wasn't just them involved in this racist coo there were other manic nuts from jo athertons websites. It is funny how jo atherton cry's stocking when she very well began this stocking obsessed b.s and now its out of control, 'over' off his meds mr. crazy paul wroclawshi he does not want it to end he is to far-far gone with envy over mr. ranville.
It was funny how crazy paul wroclawshi edited out oak island tourism society out of his blog? Danny hennigar his poo pusher buddy they are two bum rubbing's together and that's why he did have edited out of his blog too because he tried to win over the knuckle heads over there hahaha.. So you see folks crazy paul wroclawshi is basically a nobody using assume names his personal attack blog was slipping on the google search engines on one person so he thought he would put more rants on his creepily infatuated blog?
crazy paul wroclawshi will go down in oak islands history as the idiot of oak island his idiocy whining actually helped make mr. ranville famous. In fact if someone did not want to see someone to be famous you would just ignore them or him wouldn't you? So mr. crazy paul wroclawshi most certainly has alternative motives at play here to gain publicity to his retarded website that everyone knows he made from his destructive behavior of the oak island treasure mystery.
crazy paul wroclawshi had a laughing stock set up at explore oak island days and if you ask me he looks as creepy as he sounds they must of brought him through the back door at explore oak island days, john merick the elephant man would of been less conspicuous to people then crazy paul wroclawshi. And its so funny that crazy paul wroclawshi has the same old oak island b.s ridicule that was slowing down he just devalued himself, it wasn't until people stopped listening to him? This made crazy paul wroclawshi come out obscurity to expose himself and pull his wire and squirt his obsessions all over the oak island people.
crazy paul wroclawshi get some help... or see a doctor because you are fucken nuts in the head quit being a loser paul wroclawshi iman n4n get a life.
God Bless Everyone
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Find more freaky videos like this on
Paul fraud wacko wroclawshi, iman everyone's knows him as the oak island mental-case-oak island tourism society's real culprit a lunatic danny hennigar's gimp. Its really not sure if this is his actual real temporary name above paul wroclawshi as he bs's alot, so how could we accept him as genuine or truthful, we must assume paul fraud wroclawshi is his nova scotia shit disturber name as he is emotionally unstable and is the cause the of oak island mystery's so much havoc with his mental case internet outbursts and bizarre obsessiveness, on a empty seating explore oak island days fantasy delusional paul wroclawshi-iman is biggest jo atherton embarrassments and major creeps. connect, inform, Engage... with retarded insane nut-jobs
south shore bureau crazy morons
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Andrew Gough's Racist Arcadia
Twitter, facebook has a monopoly in oak islands racism infact they are all aperv of oak island racism and thrive off these oak island treasure mystery racist groups that began from these known racists danny hennigar jo atherton and ther hate mongering forum member that they created.
There is no escape once you are known to be a racist and oak island tourissm society are the racy corruption that started these oak island racy websites like and that began most of these hate under tones as we know jo athern regrets having anything to do with these other websites she orgies with and gobbles.
God Bless these poor soul,
Monday, June 22, 2009
Chronicle Herald Oak Island
News article concerning the oak island mula pit better known as the oak island treasure scheme to lure more money the greedy danny hennigar oak island tourism society scam story!
Oak Island treasure buzz begins again with new owners
The Chronicle Herald
By RENEE STEVENS | 15 August 2007
OAK ISLAND — Danny Hennigar has been talking about Oak Island for 34 years, but this year as he tells people tales about its mysteries, there is a new sparkle in his eye. He feels answers may be closer than ever.
Hundreds of people followed Mr. Hennigar this weekend on walking tours of the Lunenburg County island as part of Discover Oak Island Days. The three-day event includes displays, lectures and activities that focus around one of the longest-running and most famous treasure hunts in history.
Mr. Hennigar said that as the communications director of the Oak Island Tourism Society, he was not at all surprised that many of the visitors were already aware that the hunt for the island’s elusive treasure is in the process of restarting.
"Everyone loves a good mystery and a whodunit and this certainly has it all and then some. It’s a fascinating story that spans 212 years so people keep up on what’s going on," he said.
"We get a lot of visitors from around the area, but we also get people from all over Canada, the U.S. and Europe too and some people tell me that they even plan their vacations around coming to visit the island."
Dan Blankenship and David Tobias worked together for years trying to solve the mysteries of the island and find the treasure. But then a bitter dispute between the two partners stalled their efforts. Last summer, Mr. Tobias decided to sell off his share of the land. Four Michigan businessmen, three of whom are brothers, bought out his half of the company.
They now own 23 lots, including the site of the infamous money pit. Mr. Blankenship still owns the other half of the company and will be working with the new partners. They have applied for a Nova Scotia treasure licence, but Mr. Hennigar said things won’t actually get moving until next year.
"The province won’t officially issue a new treasure hunting licence until 2008," he said. "So I think you’ll most likely see things start happening next June. That doesn’t mean that these guys are sitting back waiting, though. I understand that they are doing everything they can to start looking for treasure."
The businessmen are represented by Wayne Marryatt of the McInnes Cooper law firm in Halifax. He could not be reached for comment on their progress.
Mr. Hennigar said he is very excited about the prospects and thinks it would be great for Nova Scotia, but his society may have to come up with a new game plan if things are up and running by next summer.
The above article is featured ion the newspaper website here:
Chronicle Herald, Nova Scotia.
Americans set to drill at Oak Island
It's officially official - Blankenship and the Michigan boys will be focusing initial explorations on Borehole 10X. This article was published today [Wednesday 28 November 2007] in The Chronicle Herald, Nova Scotia.
Americans set to drill at Oak Island - Shaft found in 1969 to be targeted
WESTERN SHORE — Four Americans plan to pour $200,000 into a hole in the ground.
But the Traverse City, Mich., oilmen behind the proposal hope this will be no wildcat well and that the risk will pay off, because this particular hole is on Oak Island.
The drilling they are financing next month will mark the first time in more than a decade that work will be carried out near the infamous "money pit." This time, however, local partner Dan Blankenship says he and his four associates will focus their efforts on an underground shaft called Borehole 10X.
"It’s a long way from the money pit," Mr. Blankenship said, and he believes that’s where they’ll find something. He discovered the shaft in 1969.
"I made some very, very important discoveries that were not followed diligently," he said.
That difference in priorities led in part to the breakdown of his business relationship with his business partner of 39 years, David Tobias.
"I found more physical evidence at 200 feet (60 metres) than ever came out of the money pit area," he said, referring to wire, chain and low carbon steel he says were found in bedrock 72 metres below the Earth’s surface.
Mr. Blankenship won’t say if he has a specific schedule of work to be done.
"If I did, I wouldn’t tell you," he chuckled.
The company is starting out by spending $200,000 on drilling "and other things" that Mr. Blankenship won’t disclose. The results of that initial work will determine what happens next.
"We’ll play it by ear," he said. Rick Ratcliffe, registrar of the Natural Resources Department’s mineral division, confirmed that cabinet approved transferring the treasure trove licence from Mr. Blankenship’s former company with Mr. Tobias to the new company, Oak Island Exploration Acquisition Co., which owns 78 per cent of the island. The licence is good only until July 2, at which time the company must reapply. At that time, it must say what work it has done over the life of the licence and what it intends to do in future. "We look for the kinds of work they plan to carry out, the timing, the expenses," Mr. Ratcliffe said.
That information is kept confidential. The Tourism, Culture and Heritage Department has waived its requirement for a heritage research permit that would have detailed what the treasure hunters are looking for and how they plan to get it.
Mr. Blankenship’s partners could not be reached for comment Tuesday but they include brothers Rick and Marty Lagina, Craig Tester and Alan Kostrzewa. Marty Lagina told the Wall Street Journal recently that no one knows Oak Island better than Mr. Blankenship and they will follow his lead.
Two other people have cabinet approval to search for treasure on Oak Island — local art gallery owner Robert Young and Bedford surveyor Fred Nolan.
But, as is often the case with Oak Island, a cloud is hanging over this latest expedition. The NDP has asked the province to repeal the Treasure Trove Act, which allows treasure hunters to keep 90 per cent of their spoils. Mr. Blankenship fears the move would amount to a money grab by the province.
"If any treasure is found on Oak Island, there’s a potential for 49 per cent in taxes to be paid on it," he said. "If we have to pay a 49 per cent tax on something we find on Oak Island, how much more do they want?" Mr. Blankenship said it seems clear to him that the province would be after a windfall if it approved repealing and overhauling the 50-year-old act.
"This is the obvious conclusion anyone would come to," he said. "Why open it up unless you have a reason for it, and obviously the reason is to tax us poor suckers."
Halifax Chebucto MLA How-ard Epstein introduced the private member’s bill for the NDP last January. He said he did so because a review by Voluntary Planning, a citizens’ policy forum, expressed concern that the Treasure Trove Act does not adequately protect underwater heritage.
Mr. Epstein said in an interview that the act is flawed and should be repealed. He said common law should apply until the province can develop an act that adequately protects the Crown’s interests while addressing divers’ and treasure hunters’ concerns that they deserve to reap the benefits of their costly ventures.
The bill died when the spring session of the legislature ended, but Mr. Epstein said he will reintroduce it in this fall session.
Source - The Chronicle Herald
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Explore oak island days no native indians allowed this is because of nova scotia racism racist views stems from this crowd "beware visiting", oak island corruption of hate combined with a big money scam to take your money while in the mean time your giving money goes through the oak island society they are the latest nova scotia scheme they're running a racist hating white cult.
The june 19th to 21st a oak island rally of white people will secretly ploy some racial hate tactics for on the internet for in this coming new year like how they been doing in the last few years this is recorded by the internet, the koo koo klux clan is better to describe this oak island group while watching them gayther so queerly is a comical enjoyment you have to ask yourself who attends these dysfunctional functions it would mainly be the racist secret hate factory run by some white racist control freaks.
Many people don't like these oak island people in fact many have pulled out of going to explore oak island days because of the bad publicity it is receiving of them doing hate mongering on the internet, racism, phising spamming, media corruption and the list goes on! I real don't know how they can celebrate under these conditions or I don't know how anyone can even attend these nut jobs sorry ass racy oak island conventions and keep a honest face.
Get Informed before you go to any place that spreads hate in numbers oak island plans to get big on the internet so you will in time have no say about there corrupted shenanigans, like how facebook is they support racism groups and there answer to peoples complaints is so what what are you going to do about it, we are to big, you don't matter. Those Racist bums!
God Bless Your Holy Heart,
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Twitter censoring oak island, abroad twitter is working eagerly for iranians to message out of iran this is not the case for twitter in canada? facebook is involved in this coo to censor native research oak island bigotry has been known to escalate this hate mongering towards first nations natives. facebook is oblivious to native hate groups on there forum it is widely suspected by natives that facebook supports racism. This is a serious matter twitter has recently censored twitter to bloggerss they closed off the message board posts to bloggers because of no reason or explanation. This is more than likely due to these racy oak island websites propaganda spreading there hatred on these social networks like twitter and facbook.
Has social networking gone to hell in a hand bag you might think so, if you yourself has been affected by this bias hate treatment by now these mega social networks facebook-twtter, racism gate that crept out of the oak island treasure mystery. Danny hennigar and estrange jo atherton began these hate mongering acts through there website forums oak island tourism it just so happens these oak island nuts gather this weekend june 19-21 2009 explore oak island days where this hate is bettered. Everywhere oak island websites go they just seem to cause problems with there racism views!
Tweets anarchy Forum Scandals Facebook, Twitter oak island racy news story Re: Social networks cyber wars causing hate.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
TWITTER.COM JO ATHERTON TWAT STINKS is spamming jo atherton using multi names to promote her website crimanally, uk criminals art this scam scheme has been going on for over many years. Nova scotia, canada oak island tourism society is involved in jo atherton corruption as she funds from it financially.
Oak island has been hit by a storm of racism perpetuated this hate in nova scotia: danny hennigar- jo atherton has been in this oak island greedy love triangle for some time, her red crack viagra'd these old bastards of oak island its there old geezer love oak island explore her oak island days eoid!
You must listen, oak island stinks with coruption everywhere these white creeps go its only because they don't like native indians or american/canadian black people its been already investigated and proven in nova scotia they have multi accounts of this oak island subject they're u.k spammers they spam through multi emails this ploy is to under mind the first nations oak island native indian research, its been going on for some time by these oak island twits idiots.
They think they are better because they are white nazi people its been going on for some time.
Beware of racism, a message.
Oak Island News
Lighthouse publishing corruption extends to danny hennigar south shore now racially sabotaged a first nations article: angie zinck co conspirer and journalist to this not so good writens oak island news article of the most interesting theory oak island has came across. Local media south shore now is well connected to danny hennigars scheming oak island tourism society, this is the hidden truth of the deceitful of the oak island south shore now, no pun intended.
Mr. ranville is well known for his oak island treasure hunting feats, many articles has been written about this first nations man as well he has been on many radio shows concerning his famous oak island theories, but oak island scandal got the grip on him. No thanks to mr. danny hennigar and other corrupted individuals they are responsible for this racist attack; meaning danny hennigar and lighthouse publishing aka south shore now, intentionally sabotaged a article at mr. hennigar's oak island tourism societies hatred say so.
The local media in the nova scotia south shore is corrupted, this bad racism news goes up to the halifax herald the momma news media of nova scotia. This oak island scandal of racism has been hushed by the nova scotia media for many years, to save face from there racy past. As I see the south shore now come to racist perv danny hennigar's rescue this ony confirms mr. hennigar was involved in messing up angie zincks oak island first nations news article with error's of mr. ranville's interview.
Oak Island Gate:
When the bow breaks the rats are the first to show themselves these oak island media outlets really showed there whiskers and now they are covering there tails. The oak island media are covering for a man danny hennigar that has a devious evil dark side. You can see hennigar's jeckle and hyde b.s on oak island forums it was a matter of time his crap catches up with him. As Mr. hennigar is intrusive on many oak island conversations unwelcomely he just shows up unwelcome he has most mental obsession problems everyone knows this already.
Feel free to read this oak island news blog it tells the real truth about some of these oak island freaks that are in my opinion that these oak island nuts are all mental in the head a doctor needs to explore there noggins these days or throw a net over them before they reproduce?
God Bless to all the normal people in nova scotia, and to rest of gods children around the world!
Monday, June 8, 2009
When Mr. danny hennigar never got what he wanted he then called on his homo friends and gaythered a possy to attack this native man on internet forums this native man did not want anything to do with this old homo danny hennigar. Oak island obsession driven by obsevissiveness and danny did not want to be known as gay it would ruin the oak island scheme.
Here's what we do know Mr. Danny Hennigar spouted on the internet u.k forum and told this native fellow to leave nova scotia and let let us big boy's do the treasure hunting. Let it be-known danning hennigar is no such treasure hunter he is gay nothing more and so is his fag friends. If danny hennigar is such a big boy so where is he? what is he is doing as a big boy thing he is curled up somewhere wondering what he has done to oak island, the loser is no man he is a coward and queer to top it off.
God be with you,
The website is widely known as a racist society I have been investigating there illegal activities for sometime now. Many that has been there at this u.k group are now in shock to know of there involvement of there computer hacking, but not the people that always been aware of this insane u.k corruption.
This native man that they racially discriminated is a victim of there hate of the native aboriginals it would be my advice that they stay out of canada with there u.k racist views. Jo Atherton and her racist community has pissed off many other oak island websites over because the years of constant spamming on other websites with there website racist cult posting links to her website then them mentioning that there website was the best website around.
What people don't know is that mr. ranville a native is a victim of the racism attacks and mr. ranville should be on top of the internet oak island search engines, not this retarded racy piece of crap u.k website, it is known nova scotia is the racy's province in canada, the black people and native aboriginal community will tell you this, mainly black people on the halifax police force don't get promotions, white people get it before them because they are white. This is the same thing that is going on, on the internet with this native man mr. ranville he is not on the top of the oak island search engines is because of internet racism like how it is in nova scotia now, no promotion for him because he is native indian and not white, after all m.r ranville put oak island on the internet map not these dumb white racist white greedy savages if you are going to explore oak island days be sure to explore oak island racism you may not like what you would see, this is how it is in nova scotai! "RACISM "
God Bless your godly heart,

I been witness to this oak island racist carnage of white people re; oak island tourism society racy treatment towards the aboriginal people, with them on a constant power trip to be better for about 5 years they used internet hacking to steal private information. There is no doubt this is the cause of this oak island racy corruption owned by one Jo atherton the native hatred began on her website with mr. danny hennigar of oak island tourism society in rants how much he hates native indians and how he wanted all native aboriginals arrested like the corrupted cop he once was his views more than likely got him kicked of the police force because of his emotional instabilities.
Nova scotia is no stranger to racism in halifax itself is facing racist allegations black police officers are up in in arms about racism treatment towards them same with the nova scotia black community. This mahone bay oak island tourism society is no different they are racist to there rotten souls, it would be not be in your best interest to vacation there in anytime soon with all this criminal activity going there, not to mention racy individuals roaming there in disguised as normal people.
June weekend 19-21 is the time they meet and plan schemes like how they ployed and hacked into first nations research files and stole passwords and shut down oak island websites postings criminally they are now hiding like scared creeps, they took there oak island stocking way beyond the illegal line. Who does that? well these oak island freaks do they have a crazy obsessed mental case thing about them. Many of the mystery websites are angry at them for there mental intrusions the racism in the oak island tourism society began this bad spirit they are irresponsible morons is the best way to described them oak island tourism society nutcases. I wish them hell!
God Bless you and your good soul,