The website is widely known as a racist society I have been investigating there illegal activities for sometime now. Many that has been there at this u.k group are now in shock to know of there involvement of there computer hacking, but not the people that always been aware of this insane u.k corruption.
This native man that they racially discriminated is a victim of there hate of the native aboriginals it would be my advice that they stay out of canada with there u.k racist views. Jo Atherton and her racist community has pissed off many other oak island websites over because the years of constant spamming on other websites with there website racist cult posting links to her website then them mentioning that there website was the best website around.
What people don't know is that mr. ranville a native is a victim of the racism attacks and mr. ranville should be on top of the internet oak island search engines, not this retarded racy piece of crap u.k website, it is known nova scotia is the racy's province in canada, the black people and native aboriginal community will tell you this, mainly black people on the halifax police force don't get promotions, white people get it before them because they are white. This is the same thing that is going on, on the internet with this native man mr. ranville he is not on the top of the oak island search engines is because of internet racism like how it is in nova scotia now, no promotion for him because he is native indian and not white, after all m.r ranville put oak island on the internet map not these dumb white racist white greedy savages if you are going to explore oak island days be sure to explore oak island racism you may not like what you would see, this is how it is in nova scotai! "RACISM "
God Bless your godly heart,