Twitter censoring oak island, abroad twitter is working eagerly for iranians to message out of iran this is not the case for twitter in canada? facebook is involved in this coo to censor native research oak island bigotry has been known to escalate this hate mongering towards first nations natives. facebook is oblivious to native hate groups on there forum it is widely suspected by natives that facebook supports racism. This is a serious matter twitter has recently censored twitter to bloggerss they closed off the message board posts to bloggers because of no reason or explanation. This is more than likely due to these racy oak island websites propaganda spreading there hatred on these social networks like twitter and facbook.
Has social networking gone to hell in a hand bag you might think so, if you yourself has been affected by this bias hate treatment by now these mega social networks facebook-twtter, racism gate that crept out of the oak island treasure mystery. Danny hennigar and estrange jo atherton began these hate mongering acts through there website forums oak island tourism it just so happens these oak island nuts gather this weekend june 19-21 2009 explore oak island days where this hate is bettered. Everywhere oak island websites go they just seem to cause problems with there racism views!
Tweets anarchy Forum Scandals Facebook, Twitter oak island racy news story Re: Social networks cyber wars causing hate.